Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ready to go...but baby hasn't gotten the memo...

i am ready...more than ready. not sure why baby hasn't gotten that memo yet.

the nursery is done! yay! thanks to my parents and sister for coming up a few weekends ago and helping finish everything. us gals made the curtains while the boys did boy stuff (putting together things and building a new laundry room - which is WONDERFUL by the way). pics of the nursery are below. we have yet to put up the maternity pics we got in the nursery, but need to wait on that since the collage of pics has his name. it's still a secret....

so i am sure all men of pregnant wives make comments they shouldn't and forget about using their "filter" first. here are a few in our home that will forever go down in the baby book...enjoy. :) i am sure someday i will laugh at them too...today is not that day. i really am over it that he forgot to use his filter, but i have to tease him about something...if that's the worst he feels, then i am sure he can handle it :) at least he didn't have to gain 35+ pounds!

daddy quote #1:
- we were in a crowded elevator with some friends.
- tracy says to all of us (john "wasn't listening" he claims) - "did you hear about the 500 pound woman who made an elevator stop and she had to get out?"
- john immediately turns around and pats my belly with a big smile.
- we all, i mean everyone but me, laughed.
- thanks hubs!

daddy quote #2:
- john got a new sweatshirt from crown for football this year. i usually do, but didn't this year. shopping isn't fun, even when it's just a sweatshirt.
- as he is walking out the door one morning, i said "oh your sweatshirt looks nice."
- john proceeds in saying, "yeah, they are bigger this year than normal. you should have gotten one. it would have fit."
- thanks again...i know i am large.

daddy quote #3:
- i am in the clean every corner mode (the entire house has been cleaned and organized now though). as i was going through the storage closet, i told john that i organized all of the electronics, cords, games and exercise equipment onto different shelves and baskets. then, i opened the closet door for him to see.
- he says "oh the exercise ball! you should get that out and start using it."
- he quickly realized what he said and tried to come back with "remember in our birth class...that is supposed to be good to open up the birth canal..."
- right, thanks. love you too.

canvas painting above the changing table

little bookcase with lamp, books in cubes below and super soft brown rocker chair :)

baby crib with the blanket my mom and i made on one end and a singing elephant hanging on the outside

curtains we made. theme is stars...plenty of sports also, but didn't want to decide the little man's future of a football player TOO soon :)

looks like i forgot a pic of his closet. i will need to update these at some point...before it is all in disarray!

once i have the maternity pics loaded to my computer, i will upload a few of those. it turned out to be fun :)

that's all :) have a good week all! pray baby comes soon. it will be more fun to post pics then.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

yay. :) looks great. :) can't wait to meet him!!! :) praying for you guys. :)