Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a day of "firsts" - part 2

part 1 is the post below this post...i couldn't upload 2 images for some strange reason. so here goes with my BIG day of "firsts"....

up to this point, we have not shared any pictures beyond text messages to friends and family of mamma and lil' babes. well that is all about to change!!! here is the first picture of lil' babes. since you can't read my shirt, it says "creating a bright future"....awww....doesn't that make you love baby p even more?!?! :)

here is week 19 at its finest....except the rainy day in the background. babes doesn't mind though.

...dare i admit this...i must...i laughed (just slightly). so much for needing part 1 and part 2. i couldn't get an image to upload on this post either. then, i look at the taskbar on the bottom of my screen, there it is...the "upload image" box. sitting there for me since part 1. seriously. whatever, this is written and not re-doing it now! :)

not sure why my back looks so curved...but my "dunn" is really making its presence known also. for those outside our Dunn family....the "dunn" is the rump.behind.backend.junk-in-the-trunk. now you know our secret...



Tracy said...

aww you're TINY! LOVE the baby bump, too cute. :)

Amber Dawn said...

Oh my goodness lindsey...that is too cute! You are so tiny...I should send you my 19 week pictures..oh my...I was like 3 of you! LOL :)