Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas letter 2009

this was supposed to look like a christmas tree (as it did on my christmas letter), but the blog is not cooperating. :)

Dear Family & Friends,

I always love

this time of year. The

favorite Christmas songs are dusted

off for all to enjoy once again and every

kitchen smells of ham, cranberry sauce and desserts.

In the Palmer house,

I am not usually up until a

week or two before Christmas, but this

year I must have been on the good list. I have

been standing tall since the day after Thanksgiving. If only

I could stay up

all year long. My soft

branches, glowing lights, sparkly

ornaments and perfectly wrapped presents invite family

and friends to gather. I have an interesting life…usually listening to muffled

sounds throughout

most of the year, from the basement

storage room. This year seemed like an exciting time in the

Palmer house. John and Lindsey decided to take on their first triathlon (5

weeks before it started). I remember John laughed with Lindsey when she wanted to do

the long distance

triathlon, but in the end, that is

what they did. They both finished in a little over 3

hours. Pretty impressive. I would not have made it out of the water! John

started his Masters this year. He spends several evenings and long hours on homework, but he

seems to enjoy

it (most of the time). Ollie

and Hazel are still the best of friends, although

they don't understand it yet. Hazel likes to sits by me, while Ollie usually

plays and runs around me. In my neck of the woods (aka, the basement), they are adding a new bathroom.

They did not

have a bathroom in the basement

and decided it was time to add one. It is not

quite finished, but is quickly taking shape after a few short months

of work. This Christmas, as the years seem to fly by faster, always remember the real reason why we celebrate.

I am a simple

reminder of what happened 2000 years

ago. Two trees were cut down, one became a cradle

and the other a cross, so you could live forever. When you look at me this

year, remember what I represent. There is more to me than shiny lights and packages.

Keep looking up, past the star. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart". Jer 29:13

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