Wednesday, October 6, 2010

nursery, birth class & growing!

so i realized today that i haven't written on my blog in a while...didn't realize almost a MONTH has passed. oh well, better late then never.

i don't have any pictures this week, but maybe that is for the best :) my belly continues to grow and the scale continues to go up,up,up! just means baby is healthy, right?? :)

well this week has been another fun one! getting the dreaded fall cold that every other person seems to get this time of year. oh well, baby and i will fight it off!

OH YES - how could i forget this??? we started our birth classes last week. they are every tuesday evening for about 2.5 hours of fun filled excitement discussing and watching births (from many angles...), placentas, drugs, relaxation, etc. good times. we actually really do like our class. our teacher is a bit anti drugs, which i am all about, when not pregnant. however, if i have to deliver a watermelon sized baby, drugs will be my bestest friend!! next week's class - tour of the labor & delivery floor. very excited to see the extra wide beds, birthing balls, large bathtubs and showers, bed bar (whatever that is), in stock games, movies, etc. :) priorities you know...

mr hicks (formerly known as braxton hicks) decides to visit me at least once a day. his arrival is always unannounced and not received well on my end. i usually have to stop whatever i am doing, although, usually just laying on the couch, and focus on him. john scrambles to get the note pad and pen so we can start our process of "charting". he will have this down in about 12 weeks! :)

the nursery...neatly packaged boxes, paint cloths, paint brushes, clean paint cans....getting some hints??? hasn't been touched in a few weeks. the longer it is not painted, the more i change my mind on the paint scheme for the room. i think i am set now blue, light blue, greyish and yellow. one of these days it WILL get painted by my hubs. until will remain as the empty room that looks like it has a purpose. it will be fun to set up the crib, changing table, hang little bitty boy clothes on little bitty hangers, organize diapers, bottles of johnson & johnson, perfectly arrange stuffed animals, make sure the crib sheets are on tight enough, hang wall decorations, etc.... the list goes on :)

enjoy your wednesday :)

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