Sunday, June 13, 2010

shopping...not fun...woah...?!?!

wemt shopping for a pair of jeans today that would fit me and prunie (almost lime). shopping isn't so much fun anymore...i had to ask at every store where the maternity section was...sad day! i am used to the racks and racks of cute and colorful shirts, pants, skirts. i am in uncharted territory and do not prefer to wear stripes and v-necks with a little scrunchie below the ever-growing milk makers!

then i had about 2 pairs of jeans to choose from....really... none of them had cute designs on the pockets. guess i was comparing them to joe's or daily fav' just doesn't make the cut.

where in the world do i find jeans that are not $100?!?! there are several great looking online places, but i can't really try them on...that's a problem.

however, i do love my sweats and my bazillion pairs of capris that have the folder over waist :)

off to bigger and better things...literally big as BP needs (biscuit palmer).

oh and i do love my palmer's cocoa butter lotion. wonderful name. wonderful smell.



Laura Beth said...

YAY!! Two posts in one week! HOLLA!

GAP materninty pants are the best. They aren't $100 but close. I still wear mine occasionally. Shhhh...don't tell. :)

* john lindsey ollie * said...

i guess the gap at our mall doesn't carry maternity jeans, but the mall of america gap does. so i need to make a's really not that far 20 min.

our secret :)

Amber Dawn said...

OH my gosh YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I'm sooo excited for you Lindsey!! I haven't logged into blogger for a while and had a mini freak out when I read your post!! :) Congratulations!!!

Tracy said...

k...check old navy online (or your store if you have one that has a maternity sections)...motherhood also has good pants, pricey-ish (not 100...more like 30-40)...keep in mind 2 other options...bella band...goes over existing pants to keep them up, makes them like elastic waisted...very nice...also hair tie...kid you not works great, give you a bit more room and is cheap. ;) Also, I loved a lot of motherhood's tees, not too preggo looking but still styleish and fun and flaunt the belly without the stereotypical tie around the back...old navy has some cute stuff too. Just my 2 cents...sorry for the book. ;)