Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hazelnut - 11 weeks old

A letter from our new kitten...

Hello World…

My name is Hazelnut (aka Hazel)

I was born January 18th, 2007. That makes me a baby still. Lindsey needed some company while John works his long hours. I over heard them taking about how Lindsey is allergic to cats…oh no! I guess Lindsey talked to some people who knew good ways to cure allergies. They had to make sure taking Claritin and using a pet allergy spray would work. I remember when they visited me. We played and then they walked away…I think I cried. I guess John had her rub her face, especially her eyes, and then they had to walk around the mall for a while to “talk about me”. YAY…I knew they would come back! She hasn’t had a problem at all! They both use Purell after they play with me though.

They keep me so clean, brush me, and I heard they are going to de-claw me (yikes!). I weigh about 2 pounds. I am dark brown and white and VERY SOFT! They say the black spot on my nose is SO CUTE, whatever! They feed me my baby food till I am 4 months old. I have been told my favorite color is purple. My little purple mouse keeps me busy for hours! John loves me because I act like a “dog”. I like my tummy rubbed!

I love to play with them. I am so good to them and make them laugh. Sometimes I play so much that I just fall asleep. Maybe when I am older I will have more energy. Lindsey has taken too many pictures of me, but I keep letting her take them. They are SO CUTE!

Come visit me before I grow up!

I found string in their Easter Box (from M&D Dunn…I think they are my grandparents). John has learned how to clean everything up INSTANTLY! No more leaving an open bag of chips around…hehe

Ok…so I know I am spoiled. I have a whole play pen with tunnels and a hammock to myself! There are these pink things that I love to play with!

I am a fast learner because they will spray me with a water bottle if I do something bad. I am almost PURRR-FECT! When I was sprayed (only once…or twice? Can’t remember, I found the perfect hiding spot. They can’t reach me under the armoire.

I almost like the box better than the toy! A good old fashioned game of hide and go seek. They never seem to come after me in here! Wonder if they even know where I am???!!!

Lindsey has the best blanket! It has these little strings all over it! Keeps me busy for hours

I have been told the way to Mamma Dunn’s heart is through a cell phone. Well…I love the bright screens. I tend to watch Lindsey and John when they talk on them.

I have so much fun when John and Lindsey are home! I get tired though too. I think I fall asleep before they do at night. Shhhhh….

Oops…I think I take cat naps! She caught me again!

Sometimes I think Lindsey and John work hard during the day! There is this box, I can’t reach it, but bright colors come from it. Amazing to watch! I am learning how to find my own channels.

Oops…fell asleep again. TV makes me “seepy” (I think this is what Lindsey and Grandma Dunn call being tired)!!!

I always hear “oh how cute is she!” when I wake up. Guess it was worth ANOTHER picture…hehe

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